Muscarine or Erica's Trip


A  rather  surreal,  absurd and psychedelic adventure game  with  hand-drawn graphics  and  "Monkey Island"-stylish user interface.  You  have  to  guide Erica Evermore through her pretty weird adventure.  In the beginning Erica's mission is to have fun.  But you will soon discover more interesting  quests when you explore the marvels of this game.

This release contains part I & II of this game.  It's some kind of a demo of work in progress,  but also a full game/story with open end.  If you want to know  how  this story ends send me some feedback and motivate me  to  finish this game.

This  game  was  created using GRAAL (Graphic Adventure Authoring  Language) which  was written by Per Thulin.  GRAAL is a great thing if you hate  nasty "low level" programming and still want to create a graphic adventure.  Check it out!


Ripper Review

As you will all be No doubt Aware, I am an avid fan of all Adventure type of Games.  The unfortunate thing About This type of game is,
It takes  such  a long time to play and therefore is very Hard to Review.

Unfortunately "Muscarine or Eric's Trip" was uploaded on to the  Aminet  just prior to the release of this Issue,  Therefore I have not had sufficient  time to complete the Game,  Therefore this review is based on what I have managed to Play so far,  However this should give a reasonable review of the overall potential of Rainer's game!



Ok!  Myst it is not!  But then again the game is Free so you can't expect to Much! In general the Game Graphic's are fairly basic, and obviously drawn in a  standard  Paint  Package  such as Delux paint  of  Personal  Paint.   The background  screens are flat and single coloured (Green for Grass..Blue  for sky etc.)  However!  and strangely enough,  Because this game is billed as a Surreal Graphic Adventure, This seems to fit in with what you expect and the quality  of the Art work actually works well with the overall  feel  of  the game!



The  sound  effects and background Music fits in well with the Feel  of  the game,  with out being to overpowering or annoying.  To often in PD  games  I feel  that  the Music is distracting and my hand immediately moves  to  the Monitor  Volume  control,  Not so with "Muscarine" I  played  the  game  and happily listened to the Sound files.


Game Play

Well  you  have  to  remember this is a surreal Adventure,   So  expect  the Unexpected!  You start off in the Game as a small Girl,  and as you progress you  seem to turn into what I can only refer to as a SLUG type creature with
Well regardless of which MODE of Character you are in at the time,  The game Sprites  move  neatly and Smoothly over the screen,  and the Animation  work well.   There is the ODD occasion that the main Character "Erica"  Seems  to lose  its  colour,   Becoming almost Invisible and disappearing  into  the Background,  However you can still see enough to be able to carry on playing the game.

As  I keep pointing out,  This IS a Surreal Adventure,  So don't expect  the answers  to  some  of the Puzzles to be Straight forward!  and  Rather  than Spoil  the  game for you I will just say...  You may have to use the  Toilet for a rather unusual Reason!

The game is certainly Large and Varied, and you eventually travel to various Planets in your quest to "Destroy the Universe"




Dam  It All!  Don't ak me why!...But I am totally Hooked by this game,   and just can't stop playing it.

Ok! Its Basic, Corny even Cheesy, But God its not only Funny but its fun to play. If you just want to immerse your self in a silly, Unserious Adventure type game for a couple of hours then Muscarine is the game for you!

Rainer  the  Author  is from Germany,  And several of  the  Translations  to English throw up the odd spelling error, But nothing that you can't work out by using Common sense!



"Muscarine" is freely available to Download from the Internet,   Just  visit the Aminet site. Rainer has kindly agreed that we (Raising Hell Productions) can Distribute the Game files via Floppy disk to ANY reader without Internet Access ( Just write to my Postal address and I will send you the files  free of charge )


PD Review Score 6½ out of 10